Online Certificate Course On Arbitration Law
07th February 2022 – 12th February 2022
The philosophy of Alternative Dispute Resolution systems is rightly stated by Abraham Lincoln “discourage litigation, persuade your neighbour to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the normal winner is often a loser in fees, expense, cost and time”.
The Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism, as the name suggests, evolved against the conventional method of dispute settlement by courts. It is not disputed to state that courts take ample time to settle any dispute as well as they are expensive too. On the other side, ADR mechanism is less bound by procedural formalities and speedy in giving results. For this reason, ADR is appreciated by many countries around the world. India also became part of this change in the year 1996 when its enacted the Arbitration and Conciliation Act. The Act is a replica of the UNCITRAL Model Law.
The course is designed in a way that will give the students insightful knowledge about this emerging area. The goal of the course is to help the students to understand the various methods of resolving disputes under ADR system, so that they can help their clients and society to select and employ the most effective, just and humane methods.
This course aims to give an overview of the laws relating to domestic arbitration in India and aims to –
- To equip students with toolkit of techniques/ methods of Arbitration
- To vest students with the knowledge & understanding of Arbitration law
- To prepare students to identify the importance of Arbitration in justice delivery
- To prepare students to identify disputes that can be resolved through Arbitration
- To equip students to understand the impact of Arbitration in commercial transactions and dispute resolution
- To equip students with procedural aspects of Arbitration law
- To equip students with practical knowledge & skills of dispute resolution through Arbitration
- Law students interested in building a career in Arbitration Law
- Lawyers looking to branch out to Arbitration Law
- Law students aspiring to a career in commercial law firms or in-house legal team of companies
- Young lawyers & associates wanting to build expertise in Arbitration
- Arbitration is the future of dispute resolution, taking this course will allow learners stronger future prospects.
- With the growth in commercial & economical transition as a global economy, the prospects of Arbitration law grows manifold, this course will equips learners to grasp the opportunities presented.
- This course will provide learners the basic conceptual clarity on the intricacies of Arbitration law, allowing them to be a productive asset for employers or clarity in building a practice of their own.
- The course will provide learners with industry-affirmed certifications giving a boost to their resumes.
- This course will enhance the employability of the learners
- This course will allow learners the chance to actively understand Arbitration as a career and the basic knowledge of the subject from industry experts.
- Ray Turner, Arbitration Awards: A practical approach, 2005 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd
- O P Malhotra, The law and Practice of Arbitration and Conciliation, 2nd Edition, LexisNexis Butterworths
- Aswini Kumar Bansal, Arbitration agreements awards, Delhi Universal 2006
- Kwatra, G. K., Arbitration and conciliation law of India, Delhi Universal 2008
- Masood Ahmed, Arbitration Clauses: Fairness, Justice and Commercial Certainty in William W. Park (ed), Kluwer Law International 2010 Volume 26 Issue 3, pp. 409 – 420
- Richard J. Bauerfeld, Effectiveness of Choice-of-Law Clauses in Contract Conflicts of Law: Party Autonomy or Objective Determination?, Columbia Law Review, Vol. 82, No. 8 (Dec., 1982), pp. 1659-1691
- Charles Chatterjee, The Reality of The Party Autonomy Rule In International Arbitration, Journal of International Arbitration, Kluwer Law International 2003, Volume 20 Issue 6, pp. 539 – 560
Course Features
- Lectures 6
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 45 days
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 51
- Assessments Yes
Module I - Introduction, 7th Feb 2022 [Mr. Anil Changaroth, Managing Director, Changaroth Chambers LLC Singapore]
Module II – Arbitral Proceedings & Appointment of Arbitrator, 8th Feb 2022 [Adv. Rishika Jain, Associate, Numen Law Offices & Adv. Muskaan Ahuja, Associate, Numen Law Offices]
Module III – Arbitration Know How, 9th Feb 2022 [Mr. Ratan K Singh, Chambers of Ratan K Singh]
Module IV – Arbitral Award, 10th Feb 2022 [Mr. Arush Khanna, Partner, Numen Law Offices
Module V – Arbitration Clause or Agreement – pre & post dispute, 11th Feb 2022 [Adv. Priti Dayal, Senior Associate, VMA Legal
Module VI – International Perspective of Arbitration Law , 12th Feb 2022 [Mr. Ananya Pratap Singh, MCIArb, MSIArb Advocate, Arbitrator and Academician M.Phil, University of Colombo (Present)]