About the webinar
The well-known axiom “get a new line of work you love and never work a day in your life” comes down on individuals who are attempting to pick the right vocation. Might you at any point truly find one that is so agreeable, it would try and feel like work?
With great many occupations to pick from, to expand the chances of profession fulfillment, find one that is ideal for your inclinations, aptitudes, business related values, and character type. It is additionally fundamental that you partake in most of the gig obligations, the income is satisfactory, and the work viewpoint is great.
You are involved in your life – – contemplating, working, and mastering an ability which will prepare you to deal with the expectations of the society.
Whether you are contemplative person or outgoing individual, picking a profession seems like going to the front line unarmed and ill-equipped.
After much energy misfortune, how to pick a vocation turns into your need since nothing feels making due with you.
Subsequent to going through 1,000,000 quest for new employment/profession, setting up an interminable resume, and different sets of expectations on the web, confounded about profession counsel in view of your character type, you at last land upon this webpage.
In this course, all of your doubts regarding career choice will be cleared and you will be able to make the decision that will bloom not just your career but also your life.
Who should attend the webinar
- Students in Higher Secondary school/university.
- Students who just graduated and starting into the real profession life.
- Anyone who is stuck in their professional life and questions if their current profession is worthy for them.

Ms. Rashmi Shukla
Head of Academic Coordination & Strategy at LedX
Date of the webinar
Date: 10th August,2022
Sign up yourself for the free webinar being conducted by LedX that will give you a hands-on practical understanding of how to approach the opportunity.